Butter Paneer


At Butter & Spice, indulge in a culinary voyage through their Vegetarian Specialties, highlighted by the tantalizing Butter Paneer. This dish, also known as Butter Paneer Masala or Paneer Vegetable Curry, is a celebrated gem in Indian cuisine, renowned for its rich flavors and creamy texture.


At Butter & Spice, indulge in a culinary voyage through their Vegetarian Specialties, highlighted by the tantalizing Butter Paneer. This dish, also known as Paneer Vegetable Curry, is a celebrated gem in Indian cuisine, renowned for its rich flavors and creamy texture.

The secret lies in the painstakingly crafted sauce, a symphony of tomatoes, onions, cashews, and aromatic spices, slowly simmered to perfection. This process ensures a luxurious consistency and a medley of flavors that dance on the taste buds.

The dish boasts a delicate balance of spices, including cumin, coriander, garam masala, and fenugreek leaves, culminating in a uniquely aromatic and nuanced profile. What truly distinguishes dish is its creamy texture, achieved through the infusion of butter, cream, or sometimes cashew paste, delivering a luxurious mouthfeel that effortlessly complements the bold flavors of the spices.

Served piping hot, the dish is a visual delight, with its vibrant orange hue and inviting aroma that beckons diners to indulge. The tender paneer cubes, immersed in the velvety gravy, provide a delightful contrast in textures, ensuring each bite is a culinary revelation.


The Butter Paneer dish offers several benefits owing to its ingredients and preparation. Rich in protein from paneer (Indian cottage cheese) and nutrients from tomatoes, onions, and spices, it provides a substantial vegetarian source of sustenance. The dish also incorporates healthy fats from butter and cream, aiding in nutrient absorption and providing energy. Additionally, the spices used in Butter Paneer, such as turmeric, cumin, and coriander, offer anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that promote overall well-being. Consuming Butter Paneer in moderation as part of a balanced diet can contribute to satiety, support muscle health, and provide essential nutrients beneficial for the body.


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